History: Galas were first “developed in New Zealand by J. H. Kidd, crossing Golden Delicious and his own Kidd’s Orange Red. The work was done in the 1920s, but the apple wasn’t named and introduced until the 1960s.” Galas rapidly spread throughout the world. Today they are one of the top two apples grown in the United States.*
Taste Profile: Galas have an intense flavor that is sweet with just a hint of tartness. When freshly picked they are very crisp. They lose their crispness after several weeks in storage.
Suggested Uses: Galas are best eaten raw or in salads. They tend to lose their flavor when cooked. They are too sweet to be used alone for cider.
*From Roger Yepsen, Apples. New York, W. W. Norton, 1994. p. 112.